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Computer Support - Adventure, Rated (PG)

Computer Support - Adventure, Rated (PG)

A new simple blog I found about pc support.

By Puppet at 2006-12-05 17:24:48
This is a blog I found, it looks fairly new, but it looks as if it might build up to something. It deals with mostly support computers, computer networks and servers.
The design is a common page design template but the content is useful as there's actually good desktop support advice and computer hardware reviews and computer desktop tips too. The author seem to have himself in a lot of different technologies for his technical position. It's getting information from people who are actually in the technical support field and don't just write about it.
By coincidence he has reviews on remote IT support software on occasion too. Not surprising as that is the technical field in which he's involved.
I find the pc remote support software helps me often in my job. Just today I had to help a customer for whom I configured two Extera routers. Their needs changed from the time I originally configured them and rather than driving out to the customer's office to make configuration changes in the routers, I just accessed the computer remotely online over the web. My computer remote support solution software is on demand pc remote support software that allowed me acces to the my customer's computer and from there I was able to access both network routers to make the changes they needed.

Here's the web address, enjoy. Don't forget to come back here for more too!

Servers, Workstations and Networks, oh MY!

For removing malware, spyware, Trojans, and virus threats form desktops and servers I've successfully used malwarebytes.org free cleaner product and my most used application for supporting computers that have been infected with malware or other software downloads that wreck computers, superantispyware.com.

Remove Malware and Viruses

For supporting computers remotely over the web and on the local area network I've used and most often use:

Software for desktop remote support

Software to support computers, desktops, servers, and other devices online is essential for any computer department and software developer. Most software companies support their product and must do so remotely. This is a must for faster customer service and customer retention. Web based

software for remote desktop support
online provides a means for remote
access of computers, desktop, server and other devices such as tablets, and

One of the objectives of remote desktop support software that helps technicians support computers online through the web, is to quickly resolve desktop application problem quicker than it would normally take to resolve through traditional methods. The aforementioned blog in the post related to desktop remote support, highlights the main points of desktop support software, but doesn't touch upon what's at the core of said desktop tech support software. At the core of such support software is PC remote control software.
PC remote control software is ingrained into and an innate, required function of remote desktop support software. We are familiar with the legendary programs for remote control, such as PC Anywhere by Symantec Corporation and others like carbon copy, but the main difference that distinguishes these traditional LAN based remote pc control software programs from their sister software designed around pc remote control for use on the web is the requirements of the remote computer requiring a pre-install of a host software component as well as a local computer software installation.

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By yon von rhinehardt at 2009-01-20 21:38:39
There's been a comparison between two different firewalls by colleagues of mine that I think is not exactly a fair one. I mean that this comaprison is unfair in that one device is a new series and the other is an older model that's out of date.
One of firewalls is a Cisco ASA 5505 and the other is a Sonicwall TZ170 .
I've had the plesure of working with both of these types of firewalls and they both are good units but the unfair comaprison is between the two at all. A tz170 is an end of sale, EOL product and the ASA series has replaced the Cisco PIX firewall. The PIX firewall and the tz170 would be a better comparison as they are from the same era of technical history.



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