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Computer Support - Adventure, Rated (PG)

Computer Support - Adventure, Rated (PG)

Software for PC Remote Support

By Puppet at 2007-12-28 10:59:39

Software for PC remote Support

Software for PC remote support has changed dramatically over the last several years and even more so from the last decade which often involved dial-up access to the Internet or to the remote computer directly. There was much time wasted and there had to be a better solution found. With the Internet becoming so entrenched and affordable in corporate and residential environments, software for PC remote support took on a new life and breadth as support call for help and assistance could now be, in more cases that ever before, addressed online on the web without the need to dial-up and spend enormous amounts of time on the phone and waiting for downloads and screen updates. For those of you who remember those days, there was also an enormous amount of time often spent just setting up the remote computer access programs to connect.

Tech support has been greatly aided by computer remote support software. There's conferencing and collaboration software like Microsoft's LiveMeeting that not only allow for online meetings and conferences between computer for sharing applications to work collectively with other meeting attendees over the web, but also have the ability to provide remote desktop support.
Microsoft had another product that was part of the Windows operating system. It intended purpose was not for remote control or remote access for support but instead it was video conferencing software that had file sharing and remote control features. The software was Netmeeting. The software had a remote control feature that could be used. Netmeeting allowed access for not just video but also for basic collaboration. Many new computer users will not even be familiar with Microsoft Netmeeting but it was part of the operating system for many years. Even during the dial-up Internet access era Netmeeting was used. It was at times painfully slow but that was mostly due to the lack of bandwidth availability. Determined people however got Netmeeting working and not only used it for video conferencing but also for desktop remote access and support software.
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By yon von rhinehardt at 2014-10-26 20:11:39

Software for PC remote support is an effective method for remotely accessing computers over the internet. The purpose of software for PC remote support is to firstly get access of remote desktops or server to repair or update software applications. New applications can be installed of course and software configuration changes can be made. We use software for PC remote support every day to support our remote clients and local users. Our local users are dispersed in several offices. We support the user remotely via remote control software . We access their computers on the local network and across corporate WAN networks. We have our users go to a web site with a standard browser. They click on a link to start a session. Our software does not require the users to generate a remote support code for PC remote support. The software we use requires a code to start a session but we provide the remote support code to the user. This method of generating or supplying the remote desktop control support code is better for us as there is less wait time and the users can remember the remote support code for future remote control desktop support sessions.

By yon von rhinehardt at 2008-02-09 07:49:51
Computer remote support, href="http://www.4remotesupport.com">computer remote support software is software that's accessed on the Internet and gives tech support organizations and departments a useful and helpful resource for supporting remote desktop users or desktop computer users remotely by using computer desktop remote control software to connect to computers and servers through the Internet.
By yon von rhinehardt at 2008-01-31 00:28:21
Please visit this blog that conatins another similar review/experience with microsoft's Livemeeting conferencing/collaboration and remote support software - http://jcsearch.com/blogs/desktopsupport - http://jcsearch.com/blogs/desktopsupport



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